Find the space you need Storage Units for Individuals

Do you need a storage unit in Gran Canaria for your personal belongings? At Lenbox Canarias, we offer flexible storage solutions ideal for:

Optimize Your Business Space Storage for Professionals

For businesses in Gran Canaria, Lenbox Canarias offers storage units with exclusive access for your employees, facilitating their daily work with customized storage solutions that include:

Our lockers

Enjoy 1m² and 2m² lockers, perfect for storing small quantities, suitcases, furniture, boxes, or items without much height.

Lockers are an ideal option for people who need a small extra space to store their belongings in a secure environment outside their home. They are specially designed to make our customers’ lives easier, with accessibility that allows quick access to pick up and drop off items.

Highly recommended especially for students who spend the summer away, people living abroad who need a secure place to store their belongings, those living in small apartments, or those undergoing small moves, etc.

Custom Storage Units

Our storage units are our greatest asset. Spaces ranging from 1.5m² to 6m², where you can find the ideal size for your needs. All our storage units have a height of 2.5 meters, providing a spacious area suitable for storing and organizing your belongings in a practical, comfortable, and tailored way to meet your needs.

Useful for individuals, freelancers, and businesses, LenBox Canarias storage units offer a solution for both permanent and temporary space issues.

Store your belongings, furniture, boxes, or tools to keep them in a secure environment, have a space to store your tools or work materials, or rent a storage unit for a safe move or to renovate your house or apartment.

Mini warehouses

The mini warehouses are specially designed for businesses or freelancers who need a space to store work materials. No matter the sector you belong to, with our mini warehouses, you will find a useful and simple solution in a clean and secure environment.

With warehouses ranging from 6m² to 15m², you will find the ideal size for your needs. With our customized storage spaces and our focus on excellence, you will be able to enjoy exclusive benefits designed to meet your needs, whether for personal or business use.

Solicita tu presupuesto

Completa el siguiente formulario con tus datos y tu consulta, y nuestro equipo te contactará lo antes posible.

¿Estás buscando un trastero?

Si te has quedado sin espacio has llegado al sitio correcto.

Toda necesidad y circunstancia eventual o fija donde necesites tener un espacio ya sea alquilar un trastero o alquilar una taquilla, vas a encontrar la solución aquí, en Lenbox Canarias.

Elige la mejor opción visitando nuestras instalaciones. Te damos todas las facilidades. Máxima seguridad. Tamaños adaptados a tus necesidades. Acceso con plena libertad.


Las taquillas son la solución perfecta para aquellos que necesitan almacenar objetos pequeños y de valor. Ofrecen un espacio seguro y accesible, ideal para documentos, joyas, artículos personales y pequeños equipos electrónicos.

Su tamaño compacto las hace perfectas para aquellos con necesidades de almacenamiento mínimas pero importantes.

Trasteros de 3m²

Nuestros trasteros de 3m² son ideales para aquellos que necesitan un poco más de espacio. Perfectos para almacenar cajas, muebles pequeños, bicicletas y otros artículos personales.

Este tamaño es ideal para estudiantes, pequeños hogares y personas que desean desocupar su hogar sin deshacerse de sus pertenencias.

Trasteros de 6m²

Los trasteros de 6m² ofrecen el doble de espacio que los de 3m², siendo ideales para familias pequeñas o individuos con mayores necesidades de almacenamiento.

Pueden albergar muebles de tamaño mediano, electrodomésticos, equipos deportivos y más. Este espacio adicional permite mantener tus pertenencias organizadas y accesibles.

¿Buscas solución a tu almacenamiento?

Si te has quedado sin espacio has llegado al sitio correcto.

Toda necesidad y circunstancia eventual o fija donde necesites tener un espacio ya sea alquilar un trastero o alquilar una taquilla, vas a encontrar la solución aquí, en Lenbox Canarias.

Elige la mejor opción visitando nuestras instalaciones. Te damos todas las facilidades. Máxima seguridad. Tamaños adaptados a tus necesidades. Acceso con plena libertad.

Trasteros de 8m²

Pensados para autónomos y pequeñas empresas, los trasteros de 8m² son ideales para almacenar herramientas, materiales de trabajo, inventarios y documentos.

Este espacio es perfecto para profesionales que necesitan un lugar seguro y accesible para su equipo y productos, manteniendo su lugar de trabajo despejado y ordenado.

Trasteros de 12m²

Con un espacio aún mayor, los trasteros de 12m² son la opción perfecta para negocios en crecimiento. Pueden almacenar una amplia variedad de materiales, desde muebles de oficina hasta grandes cantidades de inventario.

Esta solución es ideal para empresas que requieren una mayor capacidad de almacenamiento sin comprometer la accesibilidad.

Trasteros de 15m²

Nuestros trasteros de 15m² son la máxima solución de almacenamiento para empresas con grandes necesidades. Ofrecen un espacio considerable para guardar desde maquinaria hasta un gran stock de productos.

Este tamaño es perfecto para empresas que buscan una solución de almacenamiento robusta y flexible, facilitando la gestión de sus activos de manera eficiente.

Request a quote

Complete the form below with your details and your query, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Are you looking for a storage room?

If you’ve run out of space, you’ve come to the right place.

All needs and circumstances where you need to have a space, whether you need to rent a storage room or rent a locker, you will find the solution here, in Lenbox Canarias.

Choose the best option by visiting our facilities. We give you all the facilities. Maximum security. Sizes adapted to your needs. Access with complete freedom.


Lockers are the perfect solution for those who need to store small and valuable items. They offer a secure and accessible space, ideal for documents, jewellery, personal items and small electronic equipment.

Their compact size makes them perfect for those with minimal but important storage needs.

3m² storage rooms

Our 3m² storage rooms are ideal for those who need a little more space. Perfect for storing boxes, small furniture, bicycles and other personal items.

This size is ideal for students, small households and people who wish to vacate their home without disposing of their belongings.

6m² storage rooms

The 6m² storage units offer twice the space of the 3m² units, making them ideal for smaller families or individuals with larger storage needs.

They can accommodate medium-sized furniture, household appliances, sports equipment and more. This extra space allows you to keep your belongings organised and accessible.

Looking for a storage solution?

If you’ve run out of space, you’ve come to the right place.

All needs and circumstances where you need to have a space, whether you need to rent a storage room or rent a locker, you will find the solution here, in Lenbox Canarias.

Choose the best option by visiting our facilities. We give you all the facilities. Maximum security. Sizes adapted to your needs. Access with complete freedom.

8m² storage rooms

Designed for the self-employed and small businesses, the 8m² storage rooms are ideal for storing tools, work materials, inventories and documents.

This space is perfect for professionals who need a safe and accessible place for their equipment and products, keeping their workplace uncluttered and tidy.

12m² storage rooms

With even more space, 12m² storage rooms are the perfect option for growing businesses. They can store a wide variety of materials, from office furniture to large quantities of inventory.

This solution is ideal for companies that require greater storage capacity without compromising accessibility.

15m² storage rooms

Our 15m² storage rooms are the ultimate storage solution for companies with large storage needs. They offer considerable storage space for everything from machinery to a large stock of products.

This size is perfect for companies looking for a robust and flexible storage solution, making it easy to manage their assets efficiently.